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A story of a brokenhearted girl and a brokenhearted boy (Part.3)

The girl says a sentences. A full hearted sentences that she promise to say day ago. But none of them were happy or even said anything.
They both keep quiet and finish doing what they doing and head home.
While traveling back home, tears have felt on that boy shoulder. His shirt has a marked especially on his left shoulder. A mark stained by the girl. A mark that say i actually don't want to leave. They both still keeping their mouth shut. Drunk in their own mind with a long list of things on their head.
Cars, motorcycle all of them are moving, but the feel that the world stops as they keep on thinking on their own mind.
A lot of scenarios happens on that girl mind,
A lot of scenarios happens on that boy mind,
The girl keep on making a stain on the boy shoulder,and the boy keep his hand on the wheel.
The girl wants to talk, the boy wants to talk.
But she couldn't do it, but he doesn't do it.
They are getting closer to the place,
The place where they usually went to end their day together,
The place where in the past, that house isn't there,
The place where in the past, that house wasn't renovated,
The place where in the past, it's us waving at each other goodbyes.
The girl keeps on preventing her tears, The boy doesn't move or speak.
The girl ask the boy, The boy nod and understood,
Then they turn around the street again not saying a word until,
The girl ask for the boy pray, The boy laugh and say of course not, it's gonna be alright 
The girl was finally smiling and feel reassured, The boy keep his hand on the wheel.
It was quiet again.
Then somehow they got into the place again.
But this time the boy make it longer,
He drives a bit farther from usual,
The girl get off,
The boy still keep his helmet,
and They both left.
While still remembering each other in their minds.
And can't keep their minds away from each other.


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