When you wake up and you just want to sleep again because sleep is more nice than doing activities. When you constantly battling yourself in your head, presuring yourself to stop blaming yourself. Daydreaming seems enjoyable rather than talking to people. When just picking your phone or answering someone's chat is so tiredsome and requires lots and lots of energy. When you don't love the thing your love anymore. When you don't enjoy what you used to enjoy. That sudden rush of memories, self blame and anxiety that you cry in the middle of the street. Constantly waking up feeling so tired even though you already sleep for 8 hours. When everything goes wrong and you feel like you deserve that because you're just a useless individual. Constantly crying in bed to help you go to sleep. The feeling of wanting to talk about it but then not wanting to talk about it because you feel it's not important and people wouldn't understand it. The denying of the feeling. Maybe i
virtual diary from a hopeless romantic pisces who loves to love, yet overthinks a lot.