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Dreamful Package

Sunday, 11 June 2017.

I made this man this friend of mine happy because i granted his wishes come true. And it's not just one wish, but it's 4 wishes. It was also a happy day for me too as i grant his wishes and made someone happy. Seeing his poker face but a bit emotional reaction was funny too. He couldn't contain it somehow.

It's not particularly his BIG DREAMS but i ace the 'messenger' or 'courier job' one.
He once told me he want to be a courier (Actually he meant a bicycle courier not an ordinary courier) so i gave him a job opportunity on a 4 am call. Lol.

"Damn, i still couldn't believe it. That i drove a car by myself"

I couldn't believe it too.

I could be the first passenger that accompany him on this first journey he ever drive by himself. To be witnessing the first time he was allowed to drive by himself. Nonetheless, i was proud of him he could drive without panic and can fit into a small spaces and road. He is a better driver than me! If i was the one who drive i would be panic because of these small road and a lot of vehicle parking in a wrong spot. But still... control your speed please.

It looks like god Allah SWT made this plan really well.

We drove from morning until afternoon sharing stories, opinions, laughter, and even singing some songs. That is some quite new experience that i felt and it felt good. For some seconds, i was lost in thoughts because i felt like it's a dream. I was dreaming of the future and gaining expectation of lots of things. I always dream of traveling with my best friends with me driving with my own car. I felt like a grown up. I felt that i already growing up.

You're the driver and i'm the navigator.
And on the highway we drive thorough each other memories, crossing each other minds.

We are both kinda a good traveling partner.

Eventually our package was sent well without flaw. Lots of cookies are sent in hope the customers will eat it nicely and delicious.

Rain starts pouring. 💧💧

I am happy that rain is pouring. I like rain , as a pluviophile person i am i felt a comfortable feeling from rain. And in that rain i gain a lot of thoughts again and my mind was somewhere else. I am grateful and bless. It's like what i imagine come true. Do you feel happy when your expectation turns out the way you want?

It's rare for me for my expectation coming to what i want..

But i'm very happy indeed.


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